Hi all,
Just came back from my reservist about 1 week ago...
Was very busy with my work.
I was thinking of something that I can post on my blog and I believe the best is to blog about this camp mate of mine-Marc Lim.
Marc came to my unit for his 1st ICT when we were in our 6th ICT.
During his active unit, he was in-charge of the armskote.
So during my 6th ICT, my CSM got Marc to help me in my office(armskote).
Most who came over to assist me in my office knew nuts about and the seriousness coupled with the heavy responsibilties of this appointment. Many would complain and complain...
Once, I had a assistant who tried to blackmail me with a written note place on my table and tried to sabotage me by put unauthorized "items" in my office in the name of unfairness.
Well, this shown me one thing about people who are not trained or geared up for such appointment would normally tries to play games with you.
But not for Marc, I found out that he was rather well-versed with the requirement of such appointment although it was his 1st ICT after years of ORDing.
Been working hand in hand with him for 4 years. It was the common understanding we had and also the Standing Order requirement of an armskoteman that caused us to function very smoothly.
Marc is still trying to learn as much as he can from me before I complete my 10 years cycle(M.R.).
Althoug we knew our job, our scope & boundary very well, the Dos & the DON'Ts. We realized that our fellow commrades would at times tries to "smoke" us or tries to be funny but it we did not allow anyone, not even our officers to pull rank with us because we knew the heavy resposibilties that my OC had given to us.
Though ranked the 2nd lowest in the army hierachy, the trust that I have from my OC, DY and other key appointment holders in the BNHQ were tremendous.
For me, it was an honour to serve my fellow comrades but also to maintain the Standing Order that is require of me (Marc as well).
I've also came across one comrade telling me to just receive his weapon without checking it- because he is a 2nd sergeant- he pulled rank.
Immediately I told him to strip his weapon and I checked every parts for cleanliness. I've remembered telling him :"My OC allows me to check his weapon when sending in... Please don't pull rank? Please keep your rank in your pocket. I've a duty to fulfill"
I know I may sound very proud... but come on if every joker come and tell me what I should do...that I should allow them to send in theirs without me checking because their rank higher than me, then I would have allowed myself to be step all over and my all years of specialised training flush into the water cistern (WC).
So my BNHQ comrades knew that when comes to work, I am seriously serious.
I've grown, gained trust and became firm while serving in this appointment in my ICT.
And I also want to thank Marc (if you happened to read this blog), you did better each time in ICT. You must learn not to let fellow comrades steps you all over.
It works the same for me in my work or serving in my organisation. Friends, sliblings or fellow-organisation worker knew my style.
I've one applicant who used to tell me where and what organisation he used to help in, expecting that I would take him in because of his "credentials". I rejected his application immediately.
It works the same for any organisation or workplace. When you know your job scope, you can grow.
But when you can't even handle your scope and starts to meddle in others' affair...you can't grow but might end like a thorn on someone's rear (PITA).
So people let's start learning what's your scope in your organisation, so that you can grow & glow within that safety net. Net is there not to trap you but to provide a safe catch for you when you tries to jump over. Watch those steps... be careful not to tread on unfamiliar ground because you might step on mines and not only hurt yourself but others as well.
*To my one and only friend who held the same appointment as me now...(you know who you are lar) I pray that you will learn to embrace this responsiblity with a new passion and a new heart. A renewed perspective about such role is easy to bear when you began to sees it in a different light and positive angle. I know you can and you will. Learn to take such heavy responsility with stride. I know you will do well and God will be glorify in your service when you starts complaining less and thanking God more. Begin to expect things and situation to change for the better*
So think, ponder through... If there is some truth in it... starts learning. Don't be stuck in the mud.
Will blog soon!