Saturday, November 3, 2007

Some Sharing

Recently, I've so much things to share. Some really piss and makes me boils! Well just to sum up these frustrations by using my good friend's quote:
I am not going to play your "GAME". Period.

Let me share this exciting one instead.
My friends came over my house.

I shared with them this topic "WORSHIP".
I asked them: "What is worship to you?"

At the end, we came out with this song

Title: "I WORSHIP"

I will give my all to you
Everyday of my life, a pleasing sacrifice
All I am, I give unto You
Every beat of my heart, I long to worship You

I worship You
I worship You
With all I am
With all I am

I will give you all the praises, I will sing
Holy and worthy are You
I bow my knees, declare You are King
Holy and worthy are
(Repeat chorus)
I worship

Thanks friends, you guys rocks! Never thought that just one question will snowballed into a song. But I will "greenhouse" it first and let it grow because good song can wait. No need to rush.

Be blessed.