We were talking about some failures in our lives that we would really loves to undo it and or maybe hopes to avoid it.
And we also questioned ourselves "So what ifs we actually redo it, do we learn anything and mature"? And does one failure makes you a goner or a loser?
We both beg to differ. We realised that healthy good problem or failure does make a person wiser and mature IF that person take it with a postive attitude and take it with stride. Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude.
When such a person take it with a right attitude and move on with life. That person will see things in new perspective.
So my friends, when you face some tough situation, problem, issue or at the cross road.
Please don't forget to seek first your Creator God. He will helps you to put things in order.
He is able, without a shadow of doubt bring you the right person to overcome or steer pass it.
Then always give glory to Him.
When you serve in an organisation with a "watever" or "anything" attitude, friends around you will see and feel it. You will be known as "Jack of all trades master of none". It's one things to be involves in many areas but if attitude lousy...Then it will be better for one to be solely focus on one thing and have great attitude for that one thing that you are always good at.
So are you a jack with a lousy attitude or a master of one? Think about it. Work on one thing that you are good at.
And yes, remember today Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude.
Cherish the day with a great positive attitude